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Calling Notice for PST Board Election 2024
Dr Mark Farwell (PST Secretary)

Added on 09 May 2024

No matter how successful Board members are in carrying out their tasks, they must stand for re-election every three years. To that end, I have pleasure in giving notification of this year’s PST Board Election. In doing so I also notify you that the amended Election Policy approved at the PST Board meeting on Monday, 1 June 2020 will be used for the fourth time in the 2024 election. The election policy permits electioneering through social media sites and openly in the press, and the potential for a hustings event for candidates. 

The Pompey Supporters’ Trust will therefore seek to elect FOUR Board Members this year and we would like to invite candidates formally to consider applying to serve for a three-year term to help shape and progress the PST.  

A role description of a PST Board member can be found in the Election section of our website, under “About Us".

The Election Schedule is as follows:

  1. The date on which you must be a Member of the PST to qualify to vote or to nominate a candidate is Monday, 10 June 2024.
  2. Nominations to stand in the Election to be with the Election Management Group by 6pm on Monday, 17 June 2024.
  3. Voting papers will be sent out to qualifying members by Friday, 21 June 2024.
  4. Voting closes at 6pm on Friday, 12 July 2024 and all ballots must be received by that date to count.

The ballot will be conducted by email and post; and we urge all members to make sure we have your correct contact details and that your subscription, if you are not a life member, is up to date. Please email [email protected] to check your details.

Please remember that not more than one vote will be accepted from the same email address. Therefore, if an email address is being shared with another member; one member will have to register another email address with the Trust by Friday, 14 June 2024 or vote by printing off the voting form from the PST website and posting it. If nicknames are used in the voting process, they may not be recognised, and the vote cast would not be counted.

Nomination Forms and the Election Policy, Board Membership and Conduct Policy, and Social Media Policy, each candidate must sign up to all three, are on the Trust’s Website.

The 15th AGM will be held on Thursday, 26 September 2024 either at Fratton Park or via Zoom (hybrid) when the results will be declared, if not earlier, and you can meet the successful candidates.


  1. Calling Notice for the PST Board Election 2024
  2. Candidate Nomination Form
  3. PST Board Membership and Conduct Policy
  4. PST Election Policy
  5. PST Social Media Policy

Please contact the PST Secretary for any questions specifically related to the election;

Dr Mark Farwell (PST Secretary)
Pompey Study Centre
Anson Road
PO4 8TB.

Tel: +44 (0) 7908 402957
Email: [email protected]

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