
Browsing 1 - 12 of 24 articles.

The PST is a democratic, not-for-profit organisation of supporters, committed to strengthening the voice for supporters in the decision making process at the club, and strengthening the links between the club and the community it serves.

By Simon Colebrook

Frequently Asked Questions on Community Share Withdrawal Scheme

The PST are proud partners of the Junior Blues scheme - the PFC membership scheme for fans up to the age of 17

The annual Financial Statements for the PST

Pompey in the Community (PiTC) is the charitable arm of Portsmouth Football Club. Last season, across Portsmouth and the surrounding area, more than 32,000 people directly benefitted from our programmes.

At the outbreak of World War One Lord Kitchener issued his plea for men to volunteer for the army. General Sir Henry Rawlinson suggested that men would be more inclined to volunteer if they were able to serve alongside their friends and workmates.

By Simon Colebrook

Previous updates on the Community Share Withdrawal Scheme

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