This coming Saturday, 2nd November, is the occasion of the annual remembrance fixture.
In keeping with our tradition as the club of a military city, there will be service personnel present to remember everyone that has served and sacrificed for their country.
The ceremony will start at 2.45pm, so please remember to get to the ground in good time to join everyone in paying your respects.
As well as veterans, Ghurkas and standard bearers, there will also be a video showing D-Day veteran and club legend John Jenkins MBS reading the Ode of Remembrance. This will be followed by the laying of wreaths and then the playing of the Last Post during which supporters will be asked to observe a minute's silence.
We asked Spencer Green of the Pompey Armed Forced Supporters' Club to say a few words on the importance of the Remebrance Day ceremonies. The Armed Forces Supporters' Club is open to all serving Servicemen & Women, Veterans and members of our Emergency Services. Membership enquires should be made to [email protected].
Portsmouth, our proud Naval City, has sent many of its sons and daughters of to war and conflict. From the fields of Flanders to the Falkland Islands, Aden to Afghanistan. We as citizens and supporters of Portsmouth and its football club, this historic, well supported and much-loved club, should take a small moment of our time to reflect upon the ultimate sacrifice paid by those sons and daughters. Let us not forget to remember those individuals who survived and still bare the scars of war and continue to defend this country of ours today.