Each year the PST selects its three representatives to the Heritage and Advisory Board (HAB), the body that promotes and reflects the interests of fans, other stakeholders and the wider community associated with the club, along with making specific recommendations on matters such as pricing, sponsors and the stadium development.
For the 2019-20 season the PST Board has selected Ashley Brown, Clare Martin and Phil Sandys. This means that Simon Colebrook and Donald Vass are leaving the HAB.
Commenting on his departure from the HAB, Simon Colebrook said, “I decided at the end of last season that it was time for another person to step into the Heritage and Advisory Board role, so that other voices can put forward the concerns of fans and also participate in the discussion and consultation on the future of the club.
“I am grateful to my colleagues in choosing me to represent the Trust for the previous two seasons. It has been a privilege to be able to represent fans in discussions with the Club, Tornante and the Eisner family.
“I’d also like to thank the Club, Michael and Eric Eisner and Andy Redman for the openness they have shown in our discussions over the last two seasons. The information and plans that have been shared with us so far have been exciting and it has been great to be able to reassure fans that stadium planning is progressing. I know that everyone will be excited when these are in the public domain and I’m sure that everyone is impatient to learn about them and see them implemented.
“I’m delighted to see Ashley and Phil join the HAB. Ashley’s experience both at Pompey and within the wider football industry with the Football Supporters Alliance will be hugely beneficial to the Club and all Pompey fans. Phil has been a valuable member of the PST Board for the last 3 years and has strongly advocated and represented the interests of fans.
“We’ve selected three strong representatives and I’m sure that the Club will welcome a greater involvement in discussion, consultation and decision making on the key issues that fans are concerned about.”
Also departing HAB rep Donald Vass added, “It’s been an honour to represent Pompey supporters during last season’s Heritage and Advisory Board meetings. Simon, Clare and I aimed to provide feedback from a fan’s point of view, put across your questions and concerns, and challenge the club when needed on the issues which matter to the fan base.
“The owners and directors of the club have been extremely trusting throughout and I appreciate their openness during the meetings. They have shown us detailed, specific plans for the stadium which have left me feeling confident and enthusiastic about their short and long term ambitions for the club. I appreciate supporters would always like to hear more about this for themselves though, and I hope more detail can be shared more widely in future.
“The PST is putting forward three fantastic representatives this year, and I know Phil, Ashley and Clare will continue to speak up on behalf of Pompey fans in these important meetings, ensuring supporters have a voice at the top table of our club.”